When you’re making a decision about who you want to work with, it helps to know what makes them tick. So, you ask, what does Miranda van den Heuvel value and what is the guiding force behind all Create & Connect interactions?



This new entrepreneurial path is my passion.  I am turning dreams into reality, fuelling my commitment and focus on supporting my clients to do the same.


I have spent so many years being everything to everyone; including things that were not me, that were not in line with my true self. I have learned that it’s not the right way to achieve success, fulfilment and genuine happiness. As challenging as it is sometimes, being real and following a path that just feels right is what I’m about now. What you see is what you get – I’m relieved and excited about that.


I want everything I do to be creative in some way. Whether it’s creating art, new connections, a light bulb going on in someone’s head, a coaching or training program…


I want to coach and inspire. Not teach. Because when you are coached/inspired, the lesson is much more profound: the seed starts within you and is not planted by the teacher.


I want to be happy and see other people happy. Simple as that.


I want to feel energised by what I do and want others to be energised by what they get from me. Only when there is energy is there momentum, growth.


In corporate life, it is not always easy to have a meaningful job or activity. When I come home and my son asks me what I did all day, I want my answer to be something meaningful. I want my work to have a real purpose, fill a need, make something better, help people and businesses grow…



Inspire change through creativity


Create & Connect organises workshops, projects, retreats and activities that have a positive, creative impact on individuals and companies. It is our mission to inspire people to change to become more creative, grow and live a better life.

  • We help people to become more creative
  • We help people to up level by changing the HOW (not the WHAT).
  • We coach people to move from reacting to creating their life. 

. Let’s create some positive change together.

Create & Connect offers Creativity Training, Life Coaching & Retreats in Luxembourg, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and France.



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