Projects catalogue

The following projects are currently organised in cooperation with our non profit partners in Luxembourg.
The activities can be organised individually and for example added to your existing event.
Many activities can also be combined to fill up an entire day or adapted and tailor made to your needs.


The supportive network of gardens

Network of pedagogical, organic gardens, designed for environmental education and sustainable development.

The network of 10 solidarity gardens of Kalendula are ideal places for learning and discovery, facilitating sharing, exchanging of know-how and creating intergenerational ties. Fully managed in an organic way, they participate in the protection of biodiversity and deliver food for thought on Green Development.

Kalendula gardensKalendula gardensKalendula gardensKalendula gardens

Activity Description Location Participants Period Duration

A day in the garden

Soil preparation, seeding, planting.

Altwies (Lux) 10 to 15 late April to June 1 day

Potato day

Harvesting, construction of a silo, discovery of a meal around potatoes

Altwies (Lux) 10 to 15 early September 1 day

Forgotten vegetables

Harvest vegetables, preparation and cooking classes with Go4Lunch

Altwies (Lux) 10 max September 1/2 day

Construction of animal enclosures

As part of the installation of sheep and chickens in Altwies, an animal shelter and fence need to be built.

Altwies (Lux) 10 max April, May 1 day

Sentiers Rouges

Sentiers Rouges (Red trails)
Cultural project for the Southern Luxembourg Territory

Laboratory working in the region to take a critical look at its cultural heritage and industry through contemporary art.

Each year a range of young artists from the Greater Region is selected in collaboration with contemporary art institutions. These artists have undertaken to produce a work that questions the Southern territory, through a given theme and through the prism of contemporary art. These works are placed along Sentiers Rouges (Red Trails), a network of marked trails belonging to the Luxembourg Railways and linking these stations through Southern cities. Thus, year after year, an open-air museum will continue to expand.

Activity Description Location Participants Period Duration

Logging the status and maintenance of open-air museums

The red trail and works of art that are exposed require regular maintenance. The idea is to form several teams of walkers who could, during one day, walk the various trails and make an inventory (photos) of trails and works of art, which often fall victims to bad weather or acts of vandalism.

South of Luxembourg (exact location TBD) 2 to 4 people per trail (there are 6) of approx 10km each flexible (once a year) 1/2 day

Les Ateliers – Sustainable Creations
Okkasiounsbuttik – Furniture for solidarity

The concept of Les Ateliers includes the creation, recovery and transformation of furniture and an online store selling second hand furniture.

The two complementary components of the project Les Ateliers follow a pattern of responsible consumption and sustainable development, as both advocate the recuperation and reuse of items.

Les Ateliers add an artistic touch to it, through the aesthetics of their creations, but also through a participatory component to engage in creative activities both artists and local people.
Les Ateliers are a place where curiosity, intuition and spontaneity are in order. Introductory creation courses are organized in collaboration with local artists and allow everyone to try out new artistic techniques and discover new creative approaches. These courses are also intended to be thought provoking , to propose new working methods and to encourage encounters
between workers and cultural players as well as intergenerational meetings.

Activity Description Location Participants Period Duration

Party color

Art painting: this artistic challenge is an opportunity to install your team in a friendly competition: each group will have 5 minutes to draw an animal or item offered. At the end of 5 minutes, each team must guess the animal depicted by others. Laughter and imagination guaranteed.

tbd min. 4 any time 1-2 hrs


This artistic challenge is complementary to the first. It is playing on the human and artistic complementarityt by assigning each team a different color. During the 5 minutes imposed, they must exchange their canvas and add their respective color. They have to carefully to observe the color of the first team, as the end result depends on their addition and they have to imagine the big picture.

tbd min. 4 any time 1-2 hrs

Art teambuilding

Realization of an big collective painting, in the colors of your business for example. Each team is assigned a task or a specific area. The size of this painting may vary depending on the number of participants or the choice of the organizer. It can be cut and framed, each participant will leave with a piece of this common artwork.

tbd unlimited any time 1-2 hrs


Decoration of wooden elements according to a given theme, the colors of your company for example, and then assemble them on a support to create an imaginary tree, a sort of modern and collective sculpture.

tbd unlimited any time 1-2 hrs


Decoration of a wooden candlestick following a given theme (the colors of your business for example). Ideal for animation of young children.

tbd unlimited any time 1-2 hrs

Collective Screen

Each participant will receive a support to customize. Painting, collage, … all techniques are allowed to create – according to a given theme – a work that will be fixed in a screen (paravent). Possibility to modify the size and number of panels of the screen.

tbd unlimited any time 1-2 hrs


Workshop to create birdhouses. Elements are delivered in a kit to be assembled.

tbd unlimited any time 1-2 hrs

Furniture rental

Planning an event? Les Ateliers can arrange your event space with their sustainable creations. We offer tables, benches, stools, etc.. made from wooden pallets. All elements can be customized (logo, colors, …)

tbd unlimited any time tbd

Ile aux Clowns

Just a smile

Clowns Island’s mission is to improve the quality of life for hospitalized children and people and nursing home patients.

Our team of professional clowns regularly visits the pediatric services and other types of structures. They bring a touch of humor, dreams and fantasy. Neither caregivers or therapists, clowns are playmates and accomplices. Their tools are music, magic and improvisation. But also and especially the imagination of each person.

Activity Description Location Participants Period Duration

Clown drop

Release of clown in your company Our team of clowns arrives at your company to spread joy and good humor.

Your company or any off site location Unlimited tbd 1-2 hrs


The Clowns Island organizes throughout the year outreach events (stalls, street marketing, etc..), and participates in larger public events to increase its brand awareness, educate the public on its issue and sell T-shirts, gadgets, etc.. A team may organize and / or be involved in such an event.

tbd max 5 tbd varies

Box of images

Cross-border network for the promotion of contemporary video in the Greater Region.

Konschtkescht is a micro space for the broadcasting of video art. It is a “box of images’, a mini gallery of contemporary video art. The initiative has been operating since 2003 and has developed a network on the Luxembourg territory and beyond its borders. It allows greater visibility to artists and participates in a cultural diffusion to the greatest number.

No activities at the moment


Take the stage for (ex) change

The Theatre Forum is a form of participatory theater that seeks to inform, but mostly involve the public in its reflection on themes of society.

Born in Brazil and widely distributed in Europe, this discipline is quite innovative in Luxembourg. It opens a type of original encounter between art and the general public, while promoting a public debate.
Through short pieces that deal with problem situations of everyday business and life Theatre Forum allows to mix different perspectives and seek solutions together. It’s a theater of all sorts of universes that can travel everywhere with an infinite number of topics.

Our theater forum can mount a show for your business, which deals with a problem you want addressed in a more casual manner. A multitude of themes can be worked out by Theatre Forum. Humor and energy are always appropriate to address the most sensitive topics. Thus, interventions are always held in a relaxed spirit that enables to stimulate reflection
without opening the door to moral judgments.

How does it work?
Our actors begin to search for topics illustrating the problematic situation you want to handle, particularly by taking testimonials. What follows is the creative work, writing, directing and improvisation.
Lasting 15 to 20 minutes, the produced piece is played once before the public, after which spectators are invited to interact to get things moving. The goal is not to find the single solution but to experiment collectively all possible answers.

LOCATION: to be agreed
PARTICIPANTS: 50 people. max

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