Monthly Archives: October 2007

Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them all – H.D. Thoreau


Do you love reading? Do you think that the books you read say a lot about the person you are? Do you rush to the end of the book to find out how it finishes? Or do you slow down … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Writing | 5 Comments

Life is a zoo in a jungle – Peter de Vries


Recently I read about a charity which I thought was a very worthy cause. It helps single parents with a lifesthreatening disease. Single parents already have a tough time getting by when things are rosy. A lifethreatening or terminal disease … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity, Mindful People | 1 Comment

You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it – Charles Buxton


I have recently taken up my studies again. I quit school at the age of 17. I wanted to see the world, travel, earn my own money and independance and not spend years at school when I didn’t really know … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Education | 2 Comments

Poverty is the mother of crime – Marcus Aurelius


US man faces potential 30-year prison sentence for stealing a doughnut. Picture this: a guy tries to steal a doughnut – probably because he is poor and hungry and just wants to eat. On his way out the shopkeeper tries … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Education, Psychology | 3 Comments

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn – Elizabeth Lawrence


It is October but it feels like spring. It’s about 20 deg. C outside, the birds are singing, the bugs are buzzing, the sun pushes the morning fog away and renders everything hazy. The yellow and brown leaves tell me … Continue reading

Posted in Nature | 3 Comments