Category Archives: Techniques

How a 2 hour creative brainstorm can lead to hundreds of ideas!

This week I facilitated a creative brainstorm session for the ICF Luxembourg. They had presented me with a clear problem statement and wanted to brainstorm for solutions. In order to avoid the barriers to creativity, they had asked me for … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Coaching, Corporate, Creativity, Luxembourg, Techniques | Tagged brainstorm, creative brainstorm, creative thinking, generate ideas, ICF Luxembourg, random object, random word, workshop | Leave a comment

How a budget is like sex


I go running during lunchtime 3 times a week. Most often with some female colleagues. Sometimes we talk about life, the Universe and everything, sometimes we shut up and suffer uphill, and sometimes we solve problems in a creative way. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Business, Creativity, Techniques, Tips, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Engineers and creativity – an oxymoron?

brainstorm output

The other day I was asked by an engineer to help him come up with a name for an in-house software tool that helps engineers make a lot of complicated calculations to see whether a certain service is possible. The … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate, Creativity, Techniques | Tagged creativity, engineer, name, random object | Leave a comment

15 more creative questions you can use as icebreakers

question mark

Further to popular demand of this post, here are 15 more creative icebreaker questions you can use in trainings, meetings, parties, a get together… If you could have a super power, what would it be? Think flying, being invisible, turning … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Lists, Techniques, Tips | Tagged breaking the ice, creative, creative questions, icebreaker, icebreaker questions, icebreakers, , questions | 6 Comments

Do you have a creative toolbox?

Creative Sparks Toolkit

At Create and Connect we are all about creativity. And we know how difficult it is to be creative in a gray on white corporate meeting or boardroom. So, you ask, how can we add some creativity to our sterile, … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Techniques, Tips | Leave a comment

Creativity tip – Random Object


Creativity is all about connections.Unusual connections. Your brain is an animal of habit. Whenever it sees or does something, it registers it. The more you see or do something, the stronger that registration is. This registration is a link between … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Techniques | 2 Comments