Monthly Archives: January 2008

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about – Angela Schwindt


Francoise Dolto had a very singular vision of the child. She was a paediatrician and psychoanalyst. She thought that word, explanation and communication was very important in the construction of an individual. I am currently reading a few books by … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Kids, Psychology | 3 Comments

Do one thing every day that scares you – Eleanor Roosevelt


Remember the ‘Sunscreen song’? It has Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote ‘Do one thing every day that scares you’ in it – besides other good advice. It is not easy to do something that scares you – let alone doing such a … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 4 Comments

We find a delight in the beauty and happiness of children, that makes the heart too big for the body – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Today I just want to share a wonderful list of 100 ways to be delighted posted by Christine Kane which I found very inspiring. I love and totally agree with number 24: The way little kids hold their hands in … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 3 Comments

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one – Leo J. Burke


Oh how I would like to write a thoughtprovoking, meaningful post on a political or psychological topic! But on 19 December 2007 our second son joined our family and I have since been suffering from chronic sleep deprivation which does … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Kids | 3 Comments