Monthly Archives: June 2008

A little help goes a long way in Nepal


Julie, a young student from Ghent (Belgium) traveled as a volunteer to Kathmandu in 2005. This trip has changed her life and made her invest her time into improving children’s lives who for some reason cannot be raised by their … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity, Mindful People | Leave a comment

This election is about who’s going to be the next President of the United States! – Dan Quayle

You just gotta love Jon Stewart. The audacity of fear: Barack Obama is intent on enslaving the white race. Beware of some serious Baracknophobia !!! The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Headlines – Baracknophobia … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 3 Comments

Each of us puts in one little stone, and then you get a great mosaic at the end – Alice Paul


Today I came across an interesting thing on Julie’s I love a good book blog. The concept: Go to Flickr (here is Julies page) Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search. Use only the first … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Creativity, Photography | 4 Comments

I always wondered why babies spend so much time sucking their thumbs. Then I tasted baby food – Robert Orben


Last weekend our youngest (6 months tomorrow) was treated to his first solid food. I lovingly steamed some organic carrots and turned them in a delicious orange mash. My other half got the camera rolling because first time carrots make … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Kids | 1 Comment

Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours


Sail the seas of lifeget lostbe found Fight everyday battleswin someloose many Discover life’s mysteriesreceive criticismbe rewarded See the beauty of it alla funny clouda falling leaf Look for guidancefind my waydo it right Realise that someone’s helpcan be asked … Continue reading

Posted in Quotes and Poems, Writing | 4 Comments

Football is much harder if you don’t have the ball – Sven-Goran Eriksson


For those who haven’t noticed yet, the EURO 2008 football (that is soccer for you Americans) championships have started. It is a time when people in Europe start behaving weirdly for a few weeks (or at least as long as … Continue reading

Posted in Sports | Leave a comment

10 things that annoy you about work


Thanks to Ten on Tuesday for prompting this list. Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun – Colleen C. Barrett 10 things that annoy you about work Having to drive there: I’d love … Continue reading


Life is short… running makes it seem longer / Baron Hansen


This morning I went running. There was a continuous but very light rain, the kind of drizzle you can hardly see, only feel. It made the world look hazy and gray, but in a pretty way. I concentrated on my … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Nature, Sports | Leave a comment

10 ways the world has changed since you’ve been in school

Communication technology: THE change since my school days. I remember having a class where we were taught some very basic DOS language. Now everyone seems to have a pc at home, everyone gets information from and books everything via the … Continue reading

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Mind-set matters — Why thinking you got a work out may actually make you healthier


As the commitment to our New Year’s resolutions wanes and the trips to the gym become more infrequent, new findings appearing in the February issue of Psychological Science may offer us one more chance to reap the benefits of exercise … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Psychology | 1 Comment