Monthly Archives: July 2008

People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges


Politics are not my forte. I am generally aware of what is going on in the world and why. but I must admit that I was surprised when I heard about THE WALL Israel is building. I had of course … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Politics | Leave a comment

10 things to do when it’s too hot (to go outside)


Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine — Anthony J. D’Angelo Go to the pool/beach Go for a walk in the woods Be lazy, sleep Read a book or watch some television Wear a skimpy … Continue reading

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Nothing’s beautiful from every point of view – Horace


She says: the rain is beautiful He thinks: I hate getting wet She says: let’s go for hot chocolate He thinks: I just want to go home She says: we should go hiking tomorrow He thinks: I loathe crawling through … Continue reading

Posted in Quotes and Poems, Writing | 1 Comment

Do you consciously or unconsiously adjust your judgement and actions


We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails – Bertha Calloway This morning the word ADJUST popped into my mind. According to the Free Dictionary it means: To change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Psychology | Leave a comment

When I’m not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded – Stephen Wright


When I paint or try to be otherwise creative, I try to get the right, creative side of my brain going (see drawing with the right side of the brain website and other information). It is, however, not always easy … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Painting, Writing | 9 Comments

We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round – Edward Cole in The Bucket List


Have you seen the movie The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman? If you haven’t seen it yourself, the general jist of the movie is that two men- one a rich billionaire (Nicholson) and one a blue collar … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 3 Comments