Monthly Archives: September 2008

Passion is the element in which we live; without it, we hardly vegetate – Lord Byron


Do you know what the phrase ‘being in your element’ means? It is usually used to describe someone who is excelling at what they are doing, who is in top form. Being in your element means you feel at ease, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 2 Comments

How to potty train your toddler and not go insane


Our oldest son (now 2 years and 4 months) is now potty trained. Wayhay! A first try at daycare and at home, left him confused, upset, constipated and wrongly focused on his bodily funtions: a clear indication that he was … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Kids | 1 Comment

Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll


AUTUMN The one who grievesthe fallen leavesweary eyed, closing eavesthey are taken by thieves The one who believesthe fallen leavesare a past he never retrievesinterfering with the life he weaves The one who perceivesthe fallen leavesas parts of him plucked … Continue reading

Posted in Quotes and Poems, Writing | 11 Comments

How to have a great day


I usually try to start my day by saying (to myself, not out loud) “This is going to be a great day”. I also try to end each day by saying “This was a great day. I am so grateful … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 2 Comments

To see things in the seed, that is genius – Lao Tzu


When you plant a seed you do not know where it might lead. Will it become a pretty bead? Or will it grow into wild weed? When you plant a seed you do not know what it might need. Will … Continue reading

Posted in Quotes and Poems, Writing | 5 Comments

Fight with me – Sen. John McCain


During his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention (full text and video here), Sen. John McCain’s ended by saying the following: I’m going to fight for my cause every day as your President. I’m going to fight to … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 6 Comments

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away


Thanks to for inspiring this poem. BREATH I hold my breath at our boys at play not noticing that I am watching I hold my breath looking into your eyes washed over by all this love I hold my breath … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Quotes and Poems | 5 Comments

Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow – Oliver Wendell Holmes


My oldest son, who is 2 years and 3 months, is currently realising what language is and what words are. He is being brought up with two languages (Dutch and French) using the OPOL method (One Person One Language). When … Continue reading

Posted in Kids | 2 Comments

Every day you have to test yourself. If you don’t, it’s a wasted day – Terry Butts


So I did my 10K fun run last Saturday. It was TOUGH! Why? It was 28°C. It was a 5K track which you had to run twice (and it’s never good to pass the finish line because you just want … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Sports | 1 Comment