Monthly Archives: November 2008

Recession? What recession? Got 20 million? Let’s have a party!


Last week was the grand opening of the Atlantis, The Palm Hotel in Dubai. The resort, built by gaming and resort magnate Sol Kerzner, cost 1.5 billion to build. The opening was an exclusive party for 2000 guests from all … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 1 Comment

The great cathedral space which was childhood – Virginia Woolf


Childhood Endless space and time all trees are there to climb Unconditional love and trust every no feels so unjust Outdoors and in the woods weekends full of baked goods Summer holidays last forever oh we think we are so … Continue reading

Posted in Quotes and Poems | 5 Comments

Sometimes the biggest act of courage is a small one – Lauren Raffo


It takes courage to be yourself to be different in the face of Intolerance and despite Prejudice I takes courage to drop your defenses to take off your mask held back by Fright or led by Compliance It takes courage … Continue reading

Posted in Quotes and Poems | 5 Comments

A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues – Marcus Tullius Cicero


I am currently reading The Secret.  As usual, I start to doubt such books because I both hate and like them and I cannot conceive the fact of hatred and liking at the same time. But I am thinking happy thoughts, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 2 Comments

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary – Pablo Picasso


Well, this would be my diary entry for the day then.  I started thinking about painting. Then I thought, well that isn’t working. And I just did what I was thinking about. It also helped that I had some old … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Creativity, Painting | Leave a comment

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky – Rabindranath Tagore


FLOATING Morning run sweating, alert body looking at an empty day ahead Shower Water trickling, cleansing quietness taking over Happily floating mind wandering watching the rain outside Feeling happiness taking over floating through my body Reading, writing empty mind feeling … Continue reading

Posted in Quotes and Poems | 1 Comment

EU’s bureaucracy keeps money away from developing countries


A recent Reuters article mentioned a European Commission proposal to give 1 billion Euros that are left over from the European budget to struggling farmers in the developing world. The article continues:”But the proposal has run into trouble as European … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity, Politics | Leave a comment

Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will come true

One of my readers, Lance at The Jungle of Life, pointed me to the video below and made me discover the very special person that is Nick Vujicic. Nick, a now 26 year old Australian, was born without arms and … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Mindful People, Mindful Webs | 1 Comment

How to write the perfect blog post…


You can write a blog post about anything and you may even find a few readers.  But what makes a blog post GOOD? Below a few tips: Keep it ‘close to you’. Talk about the things you know, you live, … Continue reading

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Are you a control freak?


Below you will find a few statements. Tick the ones which apply to you. I make lists of about every aspect of my life I don’t like it when people touch my things I hate to wait for someone who … Continue reading

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