Monthly Archives: July 2010

If human beings are perceived as potentials rather than problems, as possessing strengths instead of weaknesses, as unlimited rather that dull and unresponsive, then they thrive and grow to their capabilities. — Barbara Bursh


I was never good at math. In fact, I kind of hate numbers. Of all sorts. Whether they are used to calculate, to grade someone, to make a priority list… In May I went on a trip with my friends … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Education | Leave a comment

I believe she’s amazing

Below flash mob was organised by Kim Mac Gregor for her grassroots movement I believe she’s amazing in honor of her friend Erika who lost her battle against cancer.I dedicate this post to my best friend Sabine whom I’ve known … Continue reading

Posted in Mindful People | 4 Comments

“Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.” — Joel Barker


Have you ever made a Vision Board? (if you don’t know what that is, click here) When I was younger, I made collages in my diary. But they were not visionary. They were focused on the present and on how … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity | 2 Comments

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. ~Sam Keen

SUMMER Soft feel of a hot breezeSeasoned smell of barbecued foodGentle touch of naked feet in the grass Summer is here. Flower prints of girl’s dressesColorful crowds lingering on terracesDaily activities transferred to the outdoors Summer is here. Juicy fruit … Continue reading

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How to stop shame from stopping you

Excellent tips from my wonderful coach Christine Kane. I love that she throws out all this good advice for free. It’s fully in line with what Seth Godin writes on the hidden power of gifts.Enjoy!

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