Monthly Archives: September 2010

Does lack define your life?


When I grew up, we did not have a lot of money. We were not poor mind you. We went on holiday, had decent clothes and enough toys to make us happy. We just never seemed to have enough money … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – Fail to succeed


Have you ever failed in your life?A project. A marriage. A test. How did that feel? Were you mad? Sad?Did you feel shame?Did you feel incompetent?Did you give up? From when we are little, we are taught that making mistakes … Continue reading

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Is Attitude really everything? Or how our Attention makes all the difference.


I recently talked about Attitude being everything. The very next day someone I will call Melissa told me I was completely WRONG! That got me thinking. Was I wrong? Is attitude really working EVERY time? Melissa said that she was … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – Physical surrounding


You say you want to be more creative.And I have been giving you a few tips over the last few Sundays. Besides some trips and tricks and a few exercises, there is one big, if not HUGE, thing that has … Continue reading

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Do you have a mentor? Can you be one?


Many women follow in the footsteps of their mothers.Others are bound to follow their fathers’. What your parents teach you is of course hugely important. It shapes your life, your opinions, your behaviour. But usually it is someone else who … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – Take a break


When we are looking for new ideas, inspiration, a solution, we tend to look for it, hard. Search for it, in every corner. We brainstorm, ask our colleagues for ideas, search the internet. Our mind is occupied by ‘the problem’ … Continue reading

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Is your perception out of focus?


My husband is driving and I’m sitting next to him. He drives along a wet, winding, country road and when he gets to a bend, my foot twitches because this is the point when I would have breaked. He doesn’t … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – Random Object


Creativity is all about connections.Unusual connections. Your brain is an animal of habit. Whenever it sees or does something, it registers it. The more you see or do something, the stronger that registration is. This registration is a link between … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Techniques | 2 Comments

Are you in control of your life or is your attitude?


“If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”  – Maya Angelou Your company is restructuring.Some people are laid off.Some are promoted.People are tense, out of their comfort zones and motivation is sneaking out … Continue reading

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