Monthly Archives: June 2011

A handful of good books on creativity

Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques

Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques Always wanted to be the person who comes up with brilliant ideas? Thinkertoys gives you the tools and techniques to practice just that. Not a book you read from A to Z, but one you … Continue reading

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Why stepping out of your comfort zone does good.

Get out of your comfort zone!

Recently 3 female colleagues and I had won a private screening for 40 people in a 10K team run. Finding it hard to get 40 people wanting to see the same movie at the same time among our families and … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity, Creativity, Fear | Leave a comment

You only need 3 things to be creative

The three components of Creativity

According to Teresa Amabile, you ‘only’ need three ingredients to be creative: Knowledge Tools Motivation Great, you say, I know quite a few things, I have some tools in my shed and I am motivated to bits. Bring it on! … Continue reading

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To be creative you have to be an explorer, not a conqueror

The Explorer The Conqueror You choose to travel to exotic places You get sent to strategic exotic places You have an open mind You want to subject others to your mind You share You take You learn You teach You … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Tips | 2 Comments

How to move from reactive to creative in 3 simple steps

reactive to creative

To create is a verb. It is an action. It is something you do. Something new. You’re being creative. When you’re creative you cause something to come into being, something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not … Continue reading

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Give your meetings a creative kick start – 6


This game is fun and good to get creative juices flowing before a brainstorming session. Split the people into groups of 5-6 people. Give them each an orange and one person per group gets a lemon. Now give them these rules: … Continue reading

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Dare to be bold

Dare to be bold

A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. Its only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.” – Steven Pressfield, Do the Work My sons, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Kids | Leave a comment

How a TO STOP list can improve your creativity

Do you have a TO STOP list?

Do you have a TO DO list? I am sure you do.  I generally have two. One for work, one for family/private things.  Sometimes I have one per important project I am working on. We live in a multitasking work and our … Continue reading

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Give your meetings a creative kick start – 5


This little game is called Touchpoints. Split people into teams of 5-6 people. Explain to them what a touch point is: each point that touches the ground. For example: one person standing = two feet = 2 touchpoints. So six … Continue reading

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How John Malkovich can make you more creative

John Malkovich

As you know, I like to shape serendipity. Therefore, I recently went to see the “Giacomo Variations” where John Malkovich plays Casanova. So here are the observations and discoveries that John Malkovich and the show offered me: John Malkovich can hold … Continue reading

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