Monthly Archives: November 2011

Why you should live an imperfect life

leaf of love

About a year ago I read this article on perfection, which made me cry. And think a lot. Today I want to talk about (and to) all of the women who have children and want to be the perfect mother, … Continue reading

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How to stop complaining: free tools and worksheets

No complaining

Hang up our No Complaining Poster in your office at work, at the coffee machine or wherever you are surrounded by negativity and gossiping. Make requests, rather than complain! Complaint: You never help me clean up at home! Request: (made during a … Continue reading

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What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of?

I am currently reading My Year With Eleanor, a memoir written by a woman who lost her job and came across a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt which said “Do one thing every day that scares you.” That quote steered her … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Fear, Lists | Tagged fear | 1 Comment

Why gossiping is bad for you

Gossip girls

We have all done it. At work. With friends and family. Even with strangers. Gossip. It’s probably the number one topic after the weather. It generally makes for easy conversation. Why do we gossip? Feeling of superiority When you feel … Continue reading

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A little validation can change the world


This year, Oprah Winfrey had her final show. During her farewell speech she talked about one thing I believe all human beings have in common: “I’ve talked to nearly 30,000 people on this show, and all 30,000 had one thing … Continue reading

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