Monthly Archives: December 2011

Why you need a DONE list


If you’re anything like me, you have a TO DO list. Or two…or three… To Do Lists are great for us busy women and creative people. Because we tend to (HAVE to) be all over the place. And we would … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Corporate, Creativity, Lists | Tagged done, to do list | Leave a comment

Screw New Year’s Resolutions! Choose a Word of the Year!

Word of the Year

I was never good with New Year’s Resolutions. First, it was something you HAD to do. Because people would ask you ‘So, what’s your resolution for the new year?’. And if you didn’t have one, they’d look at you funny. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Tips | Tagged new year, resolutions, word of the year | 8 Comments

What are you afraid of? (part 2)

I recently posted my fears. A reader pointed me to an interesting song. Look at the lyrics. It makes you look at fear with different eyes… FEAR For each a road For everyman a religion Find everybody and rule F*** … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Fear | Leave a comment

Creative questions – 5

Playing in the leaves

When was the last time you played and rolled around in the leaves? When was the last time you ran around and hid in a cornfield? When was the last time you took a picture of something that inspired you … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity | Leave a comment