Monthly Archives: February 2012

4 tools to help you kickstart your creativity


Storycubes. 9 cubes, 54 images. 10 million combinations. Whether you’re trying to write a story or looking for an original game to play with friends or even your kids, these cubes are a great little game to play. The Oblique … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Games | Tagged creativity, games, tools | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 1


I have recently started hanging up little quotes on the bathroom doors at work. I want to make people smile and think. That gave me the idea to make these little quote notes myself. So here is Day 1: Right … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Quotes and Poems | Leave a comment

What dent do you make in your community?

A dent in your community

The other day I had a very nice lunch with two very nice, active and activist women. As usual on such a lunch, there is too little time and too many ideas. We really want to: bring the corporate world … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Social Change | Tagged community, dent, help, what if... | Leave a comment

15 ways to be and stay happy and have a positive effect on other people


The greatest gift is to give people your enlightenment, to share it — Buddha Get up ever morning saying “Today is going to be a great day.” Set powerful intentions for the day: I will be happy, inspiring, encouraging, creative … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | Tagged happy, influence, positie effet | Leave a comment

Are you changing for the right reasons?


The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude – Oprah Winfrey Change is the buzzword everywhere at the moment. A Greek philosopher is known to have said that ‘Change … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Corporate, Psychology, Social Change | Tagged change | 2 Comments

How to make creative photos

mosaic loic Egypte

Give your camera to your 5 year old, and here’s what you get. It also gives you a whole new perspective. If you don’t have a 5 year old, try your granny, or your neighbor…

Posted in Creativity, Kids, Photography, Tips | Tagged creative, kid, photos | Leave a comment