Monthly Archives: August 2012

10 tips to make home decoration fun and creative


As you may know, I have just moved and thus have spent the last weeks improving and decorating the new house. Although I had some idea of how I wanted this to look, decorating a new, empty place can be … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Creativity, Tips | Tagged decoration, house, moving | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 27

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10 lessons out of the moving box

moving box

When you move, your life is suspended, upside down, stressful, both exciting and sad. You know me a little by now and I always try to learn from whatever happens to me and see the creative side of it.So here … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Creativity, Fear | Tagged moving, out of the box | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 26

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Engineers and creativity – an oxymoron?

brainstorm output

The other day I was asked by an engineer to help him come up with a name for an in-house software tool that helps engineers make a lot of complicated calculations to see whether a certain service is possible. The … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate, Creativity, Techniques | Tagged creativity, engineer, name, random object | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 25

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Why you should go hug a tree!


Although people are part of nature: On average, members of contemporary society spend over 95% of their time indoors, separated from nature. How we think and feel shapes our destiny. During our lifetime, on average, over 99% of our sensing, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Nature | Tagged nature, tree | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 24

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The emptiness of doing nothing is full of growth


I recently spent a week in Spain at the house of my best friend. I was allowed and had the luxury to do absolutely nothing for a week. My agenda was empty, my daily schedule was empty, my mind even … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Retreats | Leave a comment