Monthly Archives: August 2008

Running is one the best solutions to a clear mind – Sasha Azevedo


Drumroll……… This week I ran my first ever 10 km ! Applause I run on a relatively regular basis. Usually a +/- 5 km tour on a concrete path winding through fields behind our house. After a while, I noticed … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Sports | 3 Comments

Anything you resist, persists – and gets stronger.


Apparently ‘working on yourself doesn’t work’. At least according to Ariel and Shya Kane who wrote a book with the same title. I am currently reading books about creativity, personal and spiritual growth, getting things done and how to start. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Books, Psychology | 1 Comment

Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean – David Searls

Kris Carr found out she had cancer at age 31. She set out on a mission to conquer this disease highlighting the personal, crazy, sexy side of cancer. She appeared on Oprah (see details here) and seemed such a wise, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Mindful People, Psychology | Leave a comment

Be a fountain, not a drain – Rex Hudler


I am bubbling with ideas. I want to create. I want to paint. I have started painting again this year and although it was fun, I just couldn’t seem to find my way around it. I was looking for the … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Creativity, Painting | 4 Comments