Monthly Archives: December 2008

Your talent lies in your choice – Stella Adler


(picture CHOICES by Melanie Weidner) Asking questions are the most important first steps to positive changes in the development of your talent, your career.  The act of asking questions sets our course to investigate, explore, wonder, and do. Questioning stimulates … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Psychology | 4 Comments

To be an artist…


“To be an artist, it is not necessary to make a living from our creations. It is necessary to live with our eyes wide open, to breathe in the colors of the mountain and sky, to know the sound of … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Creativity | 1 Comment

My blog is over the top


Although I never really got into and understood the point of Blog awards, I was quite happy and surprised to receive my first one by Vanessa of The Complicated Chatters and Paperback Designs. So thanks Vanessa. Of course she thinks … Continue reading

Posted in Mindful Webs | 2 Comments

Biking around the world to plant trees


Christmas is around the corner and it is time to present another mindful person in this season of giving and thanking.  Have a look at the site of  Mohamad Tajeran at We Need Trees. He is cycling around the world … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Mindful People | 3 Comments

Do schools kill creativity?

Grab a coffee, sit down and relax and watch Sir Ken Robinson tell you all about creativity and the pitfalls of the future we have to steer clear from. This speech and many other inspiring video’s can be found on … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Education | 4 Comments

Love is…


Couple therapist Harville Hendrix has established 10 rules that allow us to advance on the road to true love. Realize that our love relationship has a hidden agenda: heal both our childhood wounds Try to approach the truth of our partner … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 1 Comment

10 ideas, 10 convictions – part 10


To ‘live a better life’ there are a thousand possible ways. French Psychologies Magazine presented 10 strong ideas in its October issue which I would like to share with you, one a day. Please feel free to comment. Idea 10 – Another medicine … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | Leave a comment

10 ideas, 10 convictions – part 9


To ‘live a better life’ there are a thousand possible ways. French Psychologies Magazine presented 10 strong ideas in its October issue which I would like to share with you, one a day. Please feel free to comment. Idea 9 – Sexuality … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | Leave a comment

10 ideas, 10 convictions – part 8


To ‘live a better life’ there are a thousand possible ways. French Psychologies Magazine presented 10 strong ideas in its October issue which I would like to share with you, one a day. Please feel free to comment. Idea 8 – A … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | Leave a comment

We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment – Hilaire Belloc


DISTRACTIONS SEE Through the slits of my eyes I see diffraction fringes of light and dark flood in as distraction TOUCH Muscles in my body thicken into contraction when you touch my skin immediate distraction HEAR Trying to concentrate my … Continue reading

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