Monthly Archives: March 2010

“To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping” — Chinese proverb


The Journey One day you finally knewwhat you had to do, and began,though the voices around youkept shoutingtheir bad advice—though the whole housebegan to trembleand you felt the old tugat your ankles.“Mend my life!”each voice cried.But you didn’t stop.You knew … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Quotes and Poems | 1 Comment

“Everything is alive; everything is interconnected” ~ Cicero

Lance from Jungle Of Life should be the ambassador of Bodacious-ville. He is bold and audacious and with his blog unites people from all over the world through his thoughts and projects. This time he got me hooked as well … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Mindful People | 3 Comments

Life is like visiting a beautician…


To start with, you may have made the appointment yourself (your birth was planned) or you may have ended up there because someone gave you a gift voucher for your birthday (oops, how did I get here?). So there you … Continue reading

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“If you don’t get what you want, it’s a sign either that you did not seriously want it, or that you tried to bargain over the price” –Rudyard Kipling


Have you ever been put into an uncomfortable or embarrassing situation by someone? My Dad, also mildly and lovingly referred to as Stingyman, has put us through many such moments when we were kids. The good thing when you’re a … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 2 Comments

“Clutter causes stress, and clutter is one of the main barriers of productivity.” — Charisse Ward


One of the first lessons in Christine Kane‘s Uplevel Your Life program is about decluttering. Clutter can come in all forms and shapes and situations. It can be the button of your white blouse that you haven’t had the time … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter | 2 Comments

Sharing is rewarding

Bored with his ad agency gig and the uninspiring work he was producing, Ji Lee – now Creative Director of Google Creative Lab – decided to take matters into his own hands in 2002. The result was the ad-spoofing Bubble … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Mindful People | 5 Comments

Business Meeting Creativity Ideas – By Craig Cortello


Developing an innovative spirit in the workplace doesn’t require extraordinary measures. As a manager, you can experiment with simple ideas that merely break routines, allowing your employees permission to drop the facade that we all don to some degree when … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Guest Post | Leave a comment

“A good scapegoat is nearly as welcome as a solution to the problem”


Have you ever been in a difficult, conflictual situation that was neither of your making, nor your fault and where you were blamed, bitched at and ranted onto? It doesn’t matter whether the situation is professional or private, it does … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | 1 Comment