Monthly Archives: October 2010

Creativity tip – Find a recorder


You are creative every day. ??? Oh yes you are! You have ideas right? At work to improve a project. At home to fix a toy. With your kids to come up with games to play. What do you do … Continue reading

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A wish is a niche


(or how a bug list can help you invent the next hype) The other day, someone posted a wish on Twitter along the lines of ‘I wish teabags wouldn’t drip when you try to throw them away’. I answered with … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity | 2 Comments

Creativity tip: Constraint and limitations


The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away. — Linus Pauling    In previous creativity tips, I have given you a few tips on how to generate new ideas. And … Continue reading

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How do you know you have taken the right decision?


Decisions, decisions, decisions. Our life, our days are full of them. To get up or not to get up? Cross the road now or wait until the car passes?Get gas or wait until later? Give my child an apple or … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – Look at nature


Nature is incredibly diverse. Nature is incredibly complex. Nature has overcome obstacles and adapted to a changing environment. Nature has found solutions to problems it was facing. Nature can give us ideas for problems we are facing. Biomimicry studies nature … Continue reading

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The surprising truth about what motivates us


Are you motivated right now? Why? Why not? Does your job suck? What would need to happen for it to be good or even great? More money?  More / less responsibility?  A new boss? A new job? More challenges? More … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – Explain it to grandma


We live in a fast paced world, where new technology is thrown at us daily. We work on complicated projects, elaborate complex plans and often try to reinvent the wheel. And sometimes we overdo it. We use acronyms and a high … Continue reading

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How to become a likable control freak


I was in a training course recently about Stakeholder Management. We were taught the different levels of buy-in and involvement stakeholders need to have over the course of a project. A colleague of mine, let’s call her Melissa, was having … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – Work backwards


We are always moving forward.From A to B.From Beginning to End.From Problem to Solution. And sometimes we get stuck.We lack ideas, inspiration.We have been working on the project for such a long time that we can’t see the forest for … Continue reading

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How to Stop Stealing Your Own Wealth


How come so many people are doing so well in their businesses, practically doubling or tripling their income every year – and others keep scraping by, trying to make ends meet? How does that work? Is it about luck, or … Continue reading

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