Monthly Archives: December 2010

Get rid of clutter and success will follow


What do the following items have in common? A loose button on your shirt that you have meant to mend for weeks. Your grandma’s old china that you never use but keep anyway. An old grudge against an old friend. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Tips | 4 Comments

Creativity tip: hack others’ ideas


Being creative is often not more than taking two existing things or ideas to create something new. So basically, you are stealing from others to create your own, new version. It is not enough to add a new feature to … Continue reading

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Word of the Year 2010: CREATE


Some time ago, Christine Kane had the idea of choosing a word for the new year instead making resolutions one didn’t keep. The original idea is described here. I have been doing this for some years now and must say … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity | 2 Comments

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” — William arthur Ward


As Albert Schweitzer wisely said: To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you … Continue reading

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Creativity tip: use the compass


Often enough when we have a problem we dive right into trying to solve it.But how can we be sure whether the problem is really well defined?Or whether it’s the right problem we should be tackling?There may be some underlying … Continue reading

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9 simple ways to bring some WOW (Ways Of Wonder) back into your life


Do you still wonder? WONDER: to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel (at). You are submerged with information, have all the latest technological gadgets and travel to the world’s nicest holiday destinations. But do you still wonder? Really … Continue reading

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Creativity tip: take your time


Many studies show that creativity is reduced when people’s attention is more on the result and its consequences than on the question itself. Putting people under pressure to deliver pushes them back into overdependence on familiar lines of thought. So … Continue reading

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Inspiration vs. Motivation:


Today I would like to point you to my guest post over at Do you know the difference between inspiration and motivation?Didn’t think there was one?Well there is and it matters to your sucess. So hop on over to … Continue reading

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Creativity tip – train your brain


In order to be creative you need to break connections and make new ones. Our brains however like habits and routine and those paths are neurological hardwired and often difficult to break. Below are a few exercises you can do … Continue reading

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8 ways to mindfully avoid overwhelm


We all lead busy lives.Our agendas are chock-full with appointments.Our to do lists hardly leave us time to breathe. We have become multi-taskers, juggling work and life but struggling to find the right balance. Usually we manage pretty well. But … Continue reading

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