Monthly Archives: March 2011

What 10 things do you know to be true?

Today I want to share a TED speech by Sarah Kay, founder of Project V.O.I.C.E. (Vocal Outreach Into Creative Expression). Project VOICE is a national movement that celebrates and inspires youth self-expression through Spoken Word Poetry. What 10 things do … Continue reading

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How to get your message across in a creative way

Message in a bottle

Let’s say you have an important message to get across to a large group of people. Things have not been going well and the message is supposed to set things straight. So the message is important. You want it to … Continue reading

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11 awesome video’s on the importance of creativity

Ken Robinson on how schools kill creativity: Tim Brown (Ideo) on Creativity and Play Ji Lee: The Transformative Power of Personal Projects How to add some fun to the things you need people to do John Cleese on Humor and … Continue reading

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Why the easiest choice is not always the best and why you should go for it anyway


When I was in high school, we had social studies, which in our neck of the woods was called ‘Knowledge of the World’ (Connaissance du monde). One day the teacher, a young bespectacled man with unruly, curly hair, gave us … Continue reading

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Give your meetings a creative kick start – 2

Creativity tip

When you need to have a brainstorming session to get some creative ideas going, here is a short warm-up exercise you can use to get people out of their heads and into creative behaviour. Pair up in twos. One person … Continue reading

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Give your meetings a creative kick start – 1


Need a quick exercise to spark creativity? Get people to pair up in twos. One person starts telling a journey where he/she leaves your office and travels to a place on the other side of the world: “I leave the … Continue reading

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Creativity: bring play into every day


When I spend an afternoon with my children (3 and almost 5) I am always and again amazed at their ability to play. EVERYTHING is play. Everything they do is for entertainment and learning only. Some examples of just one … Continue reading

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How to protect your creative bubble


Creativity is killed by: office politics a boss who controls fear the hanging on to ‘things have always been done this way’ procedures and process etc So in order to protect your creativity from these viruses, you need to create … Continue reading

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Your normal is someone else’s exotic


I was listening to an audio book where an American student was describing his Guatemalan roommate as exotic. Sun on your skin, beaches, mosquitoes, colorful clothing, palm trees and lush green and blue scenery, sing song language. Exotic, yes. But … Continue reading

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