Monthly Archives: July 2011

How to create while you wait


I hate to loose time (unless I decide so myself, on purpose and for a reason…!). Sometimes I can’t avoid to be in situations where I have to wait. So I try to make the most of that time so … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Marketing | Leave a comment

When the shit hits the fan can we still be creative?


Shit happens to us all, all the time. Big shit, small shit. Good shit, bad shit. Because good things can be considered shit when they come in a moment of change and upheaval. We have such a big pile of … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Fear | 3 Comments

How a 5 year old solves the problem of running out of gas

electricity tower

We have a few habits in our household. One is to end the day by saying what was the best of the day (kind of like a gratitude ritual). Another is to solve complicated problems. My 3 year old is … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Kids | Leave a comment

How a 5 year old solves the problem of back pain


I recently have had some severe lower back pain. So I was looking for different solutions to fix my problem (which I did in the end thanks to Tuina). Since I like to teach my sons how to solve complicated … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Kids | Leave a comment

70 quotes about creativity

Born Artist

Creativity is contagious. Pass it on. — Albert Einstein Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. – Albert Einstein The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. – Albert Einstein Imagination … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Quotes and Poems | Leave a comment

9 reasons why the creativity hype is getting it all wrong

The creative hype

Creativity and innovation are definitely the buzz words these last years. And not only in the field of Apple-like technology. I just googled creativity which gave me 177,000,000 search results: from the obvious Wikipedia over advertisement, TED talks and Amazon … Continue reading

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