Monthly Archives: June 2012

The secrect to taking (imperfect) action

motive for action

Why are some people successful and others not? Why are some people always starting new projects and other just sit and wait? Why are some people reaching out to give their best and others just moan and complain? Why do … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Coaching, Creativity | Tagged action, belief, clarity, motivation, potential, results | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 18

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The power of partnerships in social innovation

win-win partnerships = shared value

We’ve heard the sayings, “two heads are better than one” and “it takes a community to raise a child”. These speak to our inherent belief in the power of partnerships. “The urge to form partnerships, to link up in collaborated … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Charity, Corporate, Social Change | Tagged Employee Volunteering Program, shared value, social innovation partnerhip, volunteering, win-win | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 17

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9 tips from from Bruce Springsteen on leadership and creativity


I recently went to see Bruce Springsteen in Cologne. It was such a great experience that I want to share a few thoughts with you on how The Boss can teach us something about leadership and creativity. Daylight: Starting a … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corporate, Creativity, Marketing, Music, Videos | Tagged creativity, endurance, fitness, fun, leadership, personal, spotlight, springsteen, team | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 16

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Why doing good is great for business

Employee volunteer

Many of us intuitively know it – when a company contributes to the community, it is great for business. So it makes sense that we’re seeing more businesses, large and small, making formal commitments to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). One … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Corporate, Social Change | Tagged community, doing good, Employee Volunteering Program, EVP, helper's high | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 15

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