Monthly Archives: March 2009

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings – Eric Hoffer


Gratitude is the gentle recognition, rediscovery or “re-remembering” of the simple abundance around you. It is to be a child again, in awe of a purple crayon. It is sprinting from your car to the office and stopping your jangled … Continue reading

Posted in Better life | Leave a comment

A world where every human being will be born from a well-educated woman

Social entrepreneur Ann Cotton, Founder and Executive Director of CAMFED International, tells Global X what happened when she ran into a young woman in Zambia, a 26-year old orphan who was responsible for her three siblings: “She was fearful she … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity, Mindful People | Leave a comment

A hundred words for clouds


I am in a plane to Rome, ten thousand feet above the earth. Above a blanket of sparsely clouds that look like and and old, worn sweater. Every inch of the earth below has been visited by men. The fields … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Writing | 5 Comments

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. — Plato

The basis of human trust is established through play as Plato rightly pointed out.Play is serious!Nothing lights up the brain like play.Play is the beginning of knowledge. Yet it seems that, just like creativity, it is educated out of us. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity | 2 Comments

Sunday laugh

I just looove Fawlty Towers and John Cleese There is too much butter on those trays Communication problem number 2

Posted in Better life | 3 Comments

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. — from "Leisure," by W.H. Davies

Pearls before breakfast – do we really notice beauty when we see it? Can one of the nation’s greatest musicians cut through the fog of a D.C. rush hour? In an issue of the Washington Post Magazine Gene Weingarten sets … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Music | 3 Comments

Consider this…

Posted in Better life, Quotes and Poems | 2 Comments

Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success


You may have heard about, an online place where you can set books free and find some. At thingsweforget, it is not books but post-it notes that are left behind. Like this one. Another simple and original idea. ******* … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Creativity | 2 Comments

Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat


I used to work in marketing for a bedding company and our challenge was to invent a new bed.That’s like reinventing the wheel you might say. Well, it was. In order to get some creative help, we went and found … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Design | 2 Comments

There is no delight in owning anything unshared — Seneca


image by Archana Sreenivasan Have you ever heard about? Memetales is a children’s picture book bazaar. Memetales brings together inspired storytellers and most talented illustrators to help the world fall in love with creating and reading picturebooks! Memetales provides a … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Books, Creativity, Writing | 1 Comment