Monthly Archives: August 2011

Creative questions – 2

57 things

Below picture was taken while on a retreat in Asheville, North Carolina. A retreat is a wonderful experience because it allows you to take a break from your busy day to day life. Through activities and exercises thoughts are triggered. … Continue reading

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How to tell the Universe your wishes

In line with posts about bucket lists, how about simply writing down your wishes and putting them into a wish jar? I think I will do that right now!

Posted in Art, Better life, Creativity | Leave a comment

Top 5 creative children’s books


Today I want to share a few books I recently discovered and that my kids just adore. I want to highlight them here because they are no ordinary books but have a very creative side to it. The Fantastic Flying … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Creativity, Kids | Tagged creative books | Leave a comment

Creative questions – 1

creative questions

Today I am introducing a new series called ‘Creative Questions’. On a regular (or irregular) basis, I will post some creative questions on photos I have taken. Goal: both the image and the question should make you THINK (if only … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity | Tagged creative questions, creativity | Leave a comment

The Secret Powers of Time

I don’t have an 8 day week, so today there is only time for sharing a very interesting view on the power of time and how it influences your perspective depending on where you live.

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Don’t imitate. Create!

be different

I recently read The educational value of creative disobedience on Scientific American’s blog. Reading this article made me really glad because it is exactly what I try to do and teach my kids. Imitation versus creation: In school we are taught, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Education, Kids, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

How a lump in your breast can get your creative juices flowing

sand mermaid

Some time ago I found a little lump in my breast. After a week it was gone and I paid it no more attention. It reappeared recently and this time got me worried of course. Husband, in typical male, drama-deprived reaction said: … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Fear, Health | Leave a comment

How a 5 year old solves the drought in Somalia

somalia drought

The other day, my 5 year old boy came to me and asked ‘Mommy, can we sit down together and solve another complicated problem?’ I was delighted of course. Because it means that he likes the creative and challenging exercise … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Kids | Tagged creativity, desalination, drought, Somalia, world hunger | Leave a comment

Creative recycling

recycling center

Every so often, it’s declutter time in our household (read more about the clutterbug here and how to get rid of it here and here). It happens on an irregular basis: – because we are running out of storage room – because we … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Creativity, Kids, Lists, Tips | Tagged creativity, play, recycling | Leave a comment