Monthly Archives: September 2012

Finding a way back to color


For some time I have been in awe of the paintings of Flora Bowley (her website, her blog, her e-course). She recently published a book about Brave, Intuitive Painting. And although I have never met her, she speaks to me! … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Creativity, Painting | 2 Comments

Quote Notes – Day 31

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How to turn an old pallet into a hanging garden


If you live on a tight budget but you still want to have a cozy home and garden, there are many creative projects you can do (especially with the kids) to create a comfy home at little costs. Below I … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creative projects, Creativity, Kids, Tips | Tagged budget, crafting, creative project, garden, pallet, recycling | 2 Comments

Quote Notes – Day 30

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How a budget is like sex


I go running during lunchtime 3 times a week. Most often with some female colleagues. Sometimes we talk about life, the Universe and everything, sometimes we shut up and suffer uphill, and sometimes we solve problems in a creative way. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Business, Creativity, Techniques, Tips, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 29

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What a hike through the woods can teach us about life


The other day I went for a hike through the woods behind my house. I am lucky to live in a spectacular place that has a great variety of landscapes. Especially the rock and cliff formations are stunning. Below are … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Lists, Nature, Videos | Tagged creativity, hike, nature | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 28

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