Another painting with seed pods I just finished . These are from our local woods and last weekend’s walk.
I seem to have this thing for seed pods lately.
Which makes me think about something Christine Kane recently said on a tele-seminar.
“When we plant a seed, the first thing that comes up is not the sprout, it’s the Dirt.“
I have set the intention of painting more. That intention is my seed. So bear with me while I share my dirt with you I hope it will sprout eventually.
I love this post and your paintings. I’m painting too and embrace the dirt and the soil and the sprouts.
Stacey: thanks, paintings are like babies. You love them despite (or because of?) the fact that they are not perfect
Hi Mimi,
Please continue to share your paintings! They are uniquely “you” – and that’s pretty cool…
And – I really like this one – especially the textures.
: Thanks a bunch! as a painter you forget that sometimes the paintings you like the least are the ones people seem to like