Monthly Archives: February 2011

Why you need to notice the little things to be creative


Some people are lucky: They find the penny (or even a bill) on the street. They bump into the right people at the right moment. Good things just happen to them all the time. They are seated next to Carl … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Lists, Tips | 2 Comments

5 tips to start the day creatively


People tell me it’s difficult to be creative every day. Of course it is. But if you set up a few systems to create a creative routine, you can easily be creative every day. Being creative does not necessarily mean … Continue reading

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Creative mortification


As a child, everything you create is great. Your parents ooh and aah at the slightest scribble when you’re two.They continue to praise you when you give your bus 10 square wheels or your princess a crown on her feet. … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity | 2 Comments

Everything happens FOR you, not TO you


Sometimes life throws you curve balls. One day you are full of energy, enthusiasm and creativity to set up a new project, a business, a new piece of art and the next day you are thrown back by something like: … Continue reading

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Shaping serendipity


Serendipity is the faculty of finding things we didn’t know we were looking for. – Glauco Ortolano Serendipity plays quite a big role in creativity, because there is only so much you can actively search for when you are looking … Continue reading

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There is a time for everything


When you create, when you work on a project, when you organize an event, when you raise your kids, when you write a song, when you start a business, when you do anything in life really, there is a time … Continue reading

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2 free creative ideas for a business


I recently went to see my Tuina therapist.She has set up a program to offer her services to businesses.She had me look at her proposal and asked for my advice. I told her that it was not clear to me … Continue reading

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How to tame your inner critic


I am participating in a group over at Coach Creative Space about taking tiny creative steps boldly. We were talking about our Inner Critic and how powerful this little creature in our head can be. Some describe it as a … Continue reading

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