Category Archives: Ecology

Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in. — Frances Moore Lappe


I am not particularly fond of politics. It is usually one of the three topics that I try to avoid talking to people about (the other two being religion and sex) because I find that many seem to define themselves … Continue reading

Posted in Ecology, Politics | 2 Comments

We think fast food is equivalent to pornography, nutritionally speaking. ~Steve Elbert

Not convinced about the benefits of organic food? Watch this funny Grocery Store Wars video. Check out these sites: Organic food info: you are what you eat. Organic Consumers Association who also have a good video about The Organic Debate … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Health | Leave a comment

Biking around the world to plant trees


Christmas is around the corner and it is time to present another mindful person in this season of giving and thanking.  Have a look at the site of  Mohamad Tajeran at We Need Trees. He is cycling around the world … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Mindful People | 3 Comments

Stop Bush From Taking a Last Stab at Endangered Species


The National Environmental Policy Act is a safeguard that forces agencies to look before they leap, considering the environmental implications of federal projects. It guarantees that relevant information will be made available to the public that may play a role … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Nature | 2 Comments

In the end, the only heritage we have is our planet – Sebastiao Salgado


In the seas off Patagonia, right whales (so called because they were ‘right’ for hunting) gather to breed. Acclaimed photographer Sebastião Salgado, on the latest stage of his epic Genesis project, spent weeks in their company, and saw the ocean … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Better life, Ecology, Photography | Leave a comment

How far does your food travel before it reaches your mouth?


I don’t mean the path from your plate over your fork to your mouth. I mean the road from where it was planted, grown and harvested to where you cook it in your home. Do you know where the food … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Nature | 3 Comments

Feminization of the male


The estrogen hormon is one of many gland produced hormones that regulate the function of major organs and other physiological systems. Such hormones can become endocrine disruptors: an external agent that interferes in some way with the role of natural … Continue reading

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