Word of the Year 2010: CREATE

Some time ago, Christine Kane had the idea of choosing a word for the new year instead making resolutions one didn’t keep. The original idea is described here.

I have been doing this for some years now and must say that the concept really resonates with me.

My word for 2009 was Serenity and you can read about it here.

2010 was a year full of creativity and I have a guest post today on Christine’s blog about my 2010 Word of the year which was CREATE.

If you want to try it yourself, please check out her free Word of the Year Discover Tool.

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2 Responses to Word of the Year 2010: CREATE

  1. EVA says:

    Really enjoyed your article/post for Christine's blog, Mimi. CREATE was my word of the year too and what an impact it had! Not as expected but I discovered a side of myself I didn't really know existed.

    Best wishes for connecting in 2011!

    Your site looks great! I'll be back!

  2. Mindful Mimi says:

    Hello Eva,
    It is always great to meet people who have the same ambitions! I'd be very interested to hear how your Create year went.
    Glad you like my blog. It's in the process of a complete revamp :-) See you again soon.


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