Give your meetings a creative kick start – 3

Prior to the meeting, prepare A4 or A5 envelopes: you will need one per participant.Creative kick start

Choose an object that fits in the envelope:

  • it should not be too easily recognizable
  • it should speak to the sense of touch

The goal of the game is not to guess what is in the envelope!

People should really spend a few minutes FEELING the object.
Then let them find as many adjectives to describe it as possible:

  • soft
  • furry
  • rubbery
  • round
  • etc
  1. Variation 1:
    Choose the same object for all participants: this allows you to see how different individuals describe one and the same thing.
  2. Variation 2:
    Choose a different object in each envelope (limit to 2 to 5 different objects depending on the size of the group) – the bigger the difference the better: this not only gives different descriptions but a higher level of confusion (and fun) as people will wonder why someone describes a slick cube as furry and round. It will create ‘teams’ of likeminded people.

Benefits of this exercise: show participants

  • that we all have different ways of looking at things (whether they are the same of different)
  • that we have a tendency to ‘like’ people who describe something the same way as we do
  • that different views (hence different people) make a brain storming session more interesting and productive
  • that judging others by they opinions is silly and counterproductive
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