Category Archives: Design

10 creative, inspiring women blogs

    Fiona Lynne: When I met Fiona she admitted that she had been stalking me (i.e. reading my blog) for a while and was inspired by me. We met for lunch at Happ and had a great conversation that made me … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Better life, Coaching, Creativity, Design, Fear, Mindful People, Music, Painting, Photography, Writing | Tagged blogs, creative, creativity, fearless, lists, women | Leave a comment

Do you need a brochure?

Do you need a brochure?

If you are looking for information about a certain company or organization, where do you start looking first? I usually first turn to the internet. I google. So you could say that a website is the most important window for … Continue reading

Posted in Design, Marketing | 3 Comments

Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat


I used to work in marketing for a bedding company and our challenge was to invent a new bed.That’s like reinventing the wheel you might say. Well, it was. In order to get some creative help, we went and found … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Design | 2 Comments