Category Archives: Music

10 creative, inspiring women blogs

    Fiona Lynne: When I met Fiona she admitted that she had been stalking me (i.e. reading my blog) for a while and was inspired by me. We met for lunch at Happ and had a great conversation that made me … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Better life, Coaching, Creativity, Design, Fear, Mindful People, Music, Painting, Photography, Writing | Tagged blogs, creative, creativity, fearless, lists, women | Leave a comment

9 tips from from Bruce Springsteen on leadership and creativity


I recently went to see Bruce Springsteen in Cologne. It was such a great experience that I want to share a few thoughts with you on how The Boss can teach us something about leadership and creativity. Daylight: Starting a … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corporate, Creativity, Marketing, Music, Videos | Tagged creativity, endurance, fitness, fun, leadership, personal, spotlight, springsteen, team | Leave a comment

How John Malkovich can make you more creative

John Malkovich

As you know, I like to shape serendipity. Therefore, I recently went to see the “Giacomo Variations” where John Malkovich plays Casanova. So here are the observations and discoveries that John Malkovich and the show offered me: John Malkovich can hold … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Music | Leave a comment

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed – Albert Einstein

What can happen to you on any given day at Antwerp Central Station. What happened to you today to bring a smile on your face?What have you done today to make someone pause and smile? The principle of art is … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Better life, Music | 2 Comments

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. — from "Leisure," by W.H. Davies

Pearls before breakfast – do we really notice beauty when we see it? Can one of the nation’s greatest musicians cut through the fog of a D.C. rush hour? In an issue of the Washington Post Magazine Gene Weingarten sets … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Music | 3 Comments

In the name of love: Africa celebrates U2


I just discovered this wonderful album “In the name of Love: Africa Celebrates U2 Produced by Shawn Amos and Paul Heck, In The Name Of Love: Africa Celebrates U2 features Grammy Award-winning/nominated African artists as well as top up-and-coming talents including Angelique … Continue reading

Posted in Charity, Music | 1 Comment

If you had a band…


what would you be called? what would be the name of your album? what would your album cover look like? The first article title is the name of your band. The last four words of the very last … Continue reading

Posted in Music | 4 Comments