Category Archives: Corporate

How a 2 hour creative brainstorm can lead to hundreds of ideas!

This week I facilitated a creative brainstorm session for the ICF Luxembourg. They had presented me with a clear problem statement and wanted to brainstorm for solutions. In order to avoid the barriers to creativity, they had asked me for … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Coaching, Corporate, Creativity, Luxembourg, Techniques | Tagged brainstorm, creative brainstorm, creative thinking, generate ideas, ICF Luxembourg, random object, random word, workshop | Leave a comment

Bartering: a creative way of ‘doing business’

Postits on postits

Barter is a system of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. (Wikipedia This used to be the way of doing business in ancient … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Better life, Business, Corporate, Creative projects, Creativity | Tagged barter, exchange, exchange of service, no money | Leave a comment

The Importance of Away Days for Women

Getting away

It is quite normal to go on off-sites for work: companies offer away days for staff team building and to clarify goals. It got me wondering, “Why don’t we take away days privately? And especially us women?” Whether they work … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Business, Coaching, Corporate, Retreats | Tagged away days, change your life, create your own, escape, good life, happy days, life coach/life coaching (high comp), life work balance, make me happy, meaning of life, Most beautiful women, offsite, on purpose, purpose of life, quality of life, retreat, running away, Time to change, weekend away (high), wise group | Leave a comment

How a budget is like sex


I go running during lunchtime 3 times a week. Most often with some female colleagues. Sometimes we talk about life, the Universe and everything, sometimes we shut up and suffer uphill, and sometimes we solve problems in a creative way. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Business, Creativity, Techniques, Tips, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Engineers and creativity – an oxymoron?

brainstorm output

The other day I was asked by an engineer to help him come up with a name for an in-house software tool that helps engineers make a lot of complicated calculations to see whether a certain service is possible. The … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate, Creativity, Techniques | Tagged creativity, engineer, name, random object | Leave a comment

How delaying rewards makes you more successful

“The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable pre-requisite for success” – Brian Tracy If you put a marshmallow in front of your … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Corporate, Education, Kids, Psychology | Tagged delay, discipline, gratification, marshmellow, rewards, success | Leave a comment

Enthusiam is the engine of action

Enthusiasm is the engine of action

Enthusiasm gives you the energy to do something. Obviously enthusiasm is greater the more you like to do something. If for example you like to read, it seems clear that you become more active and creative when it comes to … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Business, Corporate, Creativity | Tagged energy, enthusiasm, passion | Leave a comment

What’s creative thinking got to do with business?

Creative thinking leads to success

Have you been going over the same problem again and again with no solution? Or is your goal to create a more innovative organization? Well then it’s time to form a new habit. The habit of creative thinking. Everyone is … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corporate, Creativity, Tips, Uncategorized, Videos | Tagged business success, creative thinkers, creatvity | Leave a comment

The power of partnerships in social innovation

win-win partnerships = shared value

We’ve heard the sayings, “two heads are better than one” and “it takes a community to raise a child”. These speak to our inherent belief in the power of partnerships. “The urge to form partnerships, to link up in collaborated … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Charity, Corporate, Social Change | Tagged Employee Volunteering Program, shared value, social innovation partnerhip, volunteering, win-win | Leave a comment

9 tips from from Bruce Springsteen on leadership and creativity


I recently went to see Bruce Springsteen in Cologne. It was such a great experience that I want to share a few thoughts with you on how The Boss can teach us something about leadership and creativity. Daylight: Starting a … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corporate, Creativity, Marketing, Music, Videos | Tagged creativity, endurance, fitness, fun, leadership, personal, spotlight, springsteen, team | Leave a comment