Category Archives: Health

Midlife Crisis: How to Grow Through It and Become Happy Again

In an earlier post, I wrote about Getting Real and what midlife crisis is. A woman experiencing a midlife crisis may feel like her life is spiraling out of control. It can be scary when you start to get real … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Coaching, Fear, Health, Love, Retreats | Tagged authentic, away days, explore, gap year, happiness, joy, laughter, lost parts, midlife crisis, preferences, real, retreats, you are not alone | Leave a comment

Getting REAL: Women and Midlife Crisis

40 is a big number for many women I meet. It means they have just hit about the middle of their life. It means the biological clock is about to stop ticking for good. It means that either her kids … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Coaching, Fear, Health, Love | Tagged escape, growth, hormones, identitz, meaning, middle age, midlife crisis, purpose, Reinvention, Renewal, Turbulence, Turmoil, Upheaval | Leave a comment

What to do when you need to calm down

I did this recently! This is all part of being REAL, and facing your fears. I am scared shitless, but doing it anyway. Tackling my fears usually involves more or less adrenaline. Because it means stepping out of my comfort zone. And this is … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Fear, Health, Lists, Sports | Tagged adrenaline, fear, fight or flight, green tea, jog, laugh, lions breath, stress, visualization, walk | Leave a comment

Why you should go hug a tree!


Although people are part of nature: On average, members of contemporary society spend over 95% of their time indoors, separated from nature. How we think and feel shapes our destiny. During our lifetime, on average, over 99% of our sensing, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Nature | Tagged nature, tree | Leave a comment

Stressless in 5 simple steps


As I am writing this post, I have just had a pretty stressful day.  Meetings, telcos, to-do lists and not enough time to handle it all. When I am stressed, I am very much tempted to grab a superficial comfort … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health | Tagged book, breathing, exercise, food, health, hormones, laugh, stress | Leave a comment

How a lump in your breast can get your creative juices flowing

sand mermaid

Some time ago I found a little lump in my breast. After a week it was gone and I paid it no more attention. It reappeared recently and this time got me worried of course. Husband, in typical male, drama-deprived reaction said: … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Fear, Health | Leave a comment

Blog for cause: A world without breast cancer

I am sure you know someone who has or has had cancer. Maybe that person was a family member, maybe a friend. Maybe that person is no longer with us, or maybe that person is fighting a daily, difficult battle. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Books, Charity, Health, Mindful People | 2 Comments

The energy of the mind is the essence of life – Aristotle


Although the days are getting longer again, the winter blues is still looming. Here are some energy booster tips to get your body through winter. For a healthy body speaks of a healthy mind. Dream body:Looking for a way to … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health | 9 Comments

We think fast food is equivalent to pornography, nutritionally speaking. ~Steve Elbert

Not convinced about the benefits of organic food? Watch this funny Grocery Store Wars video. Check out these sites: Organic food info: you are what you eat. Organic Consumers Association who also have a good video about The Organic Debate … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Health | Leave a comment

To laugh often and much… – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Anticipating A Laugh Reduces Stress Hormones By seeking out positive experiences that make us laugh we can do a lot on our own to stay well Even though they have been well documented, the beneficial effects of laughter have not finished … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health | 2 Comments