Category Archives: Charity

The power of partnerships in social innovation

win-win partnerships = shared value

We’ve heard the sayings, “two heads are better than one” and “it takes a community to raise a child”. These speak to our inherent belief in the power of partnerships. “The urge to form partnerships, to link up in collaborated … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Charity, Corporate, Social Change | Tagged Employee Volunteering Program, shared value, social innovation partnerhip, volunteering, win-win | Leave a comment

Why stepping out of your comfort zone does good.

Get out of your comfort zone!

Recently 3 female colleagues and I had won a private screening for 40 people in a 10K team run. Finding it hard to get 40 people wanting to see the same movie at the same time among our families and … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity, Creativity, Fear | Leave a comment

You have something to give

Do you have a dream? Like riding a firetruck? Or swimming with dolphins? Do you have something to give? Like time to volunteer? Then your dream may come true soon. Check out below video:

Posted in Better life, Charity, Creativity | Leave a comment

Help Haiti Blog Challenge – sequel


Dear readers, Thank you for supporting the challenge and spreading the word. The items you ordered are shipped and should be with you shortly. I hope you liked them. I have just donated 150 euros to both the Red Cross … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity | 2 Comments

Help Haiti Blog Challenge


I have Haiti on my mind. I read Aidan’s blog post and surfed on over to the blog challenge that triggered her post. I found the idea creative – and you know I like creative ideas, and especially the ones … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity | 4 Comments

Blog for cause: A world without breast cancer

I am sure you know someone who has or has had cancer. Maybe that person was a family member, maybe a friend. Maybe that person is no longer with us, or maybe that person is fighting a daily, difficult battle. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Books, Charity, Health, Mindful People | 2 Comments

Posted in Better life, Charity |

A world where every human being will be born from a well-educated woman

Social entrepreneur Ann Cotton, Founder and Executive Director of CAMFED International, tells Global X what happened when she ran into a young woman in Zambia, a 26-year old orphan who was responsible for her three siblings: “She was fearful she … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity, Mindful People | Leave a comment

Happy Valentine’s Day


Do you want to show someone you care this Valentine’s Day and help eliminate AIDS in Africa? Visit the Hallmark/RED shop here. Hallmark & (PRODUCT) RED have joined forces to create a Facebook application to raise awareness about AIDS in … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity | 4 Comments

A fistful of dollars: the story of a loan

In 2007 I discovered and wrote about what I think is one of the greatest charity ideas ever: KIVA. Since then I have made loans, followed the development of the businesses I supported,been repaid and re-loaned the same money. If you want to … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Charity | 1 Comment