Help Haiti Blog Challenge

I have Haiti on my mind.

I read Aidan’s blog post and surfed on over to the blog challenge that triggered her post.

I found the idea creative – and you know I like creative ideas, and especially the ones that have a link to charity.

Today I have decided to participate.

Until 31st January 2010:

  • for each person that places an order on my Red Bubble,
  • for each person that places an order on my friend Sabine’s Red Bubble,

I will match the amount of your order and donate it to ‘Medecins sans Frontieres‘ in Luxembourg.

You can buy a simple card at 2,73 euros, prints or framed prints. Your order decides the amount I will donate. On top of that, you will soon be the owner of a fabulous piece of art.

  • Furthermore, whether you place an order or not, if you leave a comment to this post I will donate 2 euros to MSF.

If you want to participate yourself in the Help Haiti Challenge, please read instructions below and visit the site:

  1. Sign up for the Help Haiti Blog Challenge. Write about it on your blog and tag it “Help Haiti Blog Challenge“. Ask your people to join you and do the same.
  2. Add the Help Haiti Blog Challenge badge to your blog.
  3. Make your offer: I will donate ________ dollars to _________ on behalf of the next person who buys _________ from me.
  4. Make your donation and tell us how much you donated.
  5. Tweet about it using the hashtag #haitiblogchallenge. Update your facebook status with a request to pass on the message and the call to action. Send e-mails. Everywhere you are, online, talk about the Help Haiti Blog Challenge, tag it, and call your friends, family, colleagues – your people – to action.
This entry was posted in Better life, Charity. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Help Haiti Blog Challenge

  1. Marelisa says:

    Hi Mimi: I think it's excellent that you're doing this. I created a squidoo lens about how to help Haiti–with all of the royalties from the Squidoo lens going toward Hope for Haiti, and I donated to Hope for Haiti. I wish you all the best with the blog challenge.

  2. dazzer says:

    Bravo, Mimi! Just bought some of your lovely photographs.

  3. Ellen says:

    Great pictures on red bubble! We just made our donation for MSF! Ellen xx

  4. MindFul MiMi says:

    : I am so glad we are all doing our own little thing with the means we have. Thank you.

    : thank you so much fellow artist.

    : Merci my dear. You're a star.


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