Category Archives: Nature

What a hike through the woods can teach us about life


The other day I went for a hike through the woods behind my house. I am lucky to live in a spectacular place that has a great variety of landscapes. Especially the rock and cliff formations are stunning. Below are … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Lists, Nature, Videos | Tagged creativity, hike, nature | Leave a comment

Why you should go hug a tree!


Although people are part of nature: On average, members of contemporary society spend over 95% of their time indoors, separated from nature. How we think and feel shapes our destiny. During our lifetime, on average, over 99% of our sensing, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Nature | Tagged nature, tree | Leave a comment

How an Indian summer can make you more creative.

Indian Summer

We’ve had some amazing Indian summer weather lately. That plus the lush colors of autumn make a great scenery for some creative actions. It’s cold in the morning but warm in the afternoon. You have to be a creative dresser … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Nature, Tips | Tagged apples, autumn, chestnuts, crafting, creativity, fall | Leave a comment

57 reasons to go on a retreat

Retreat at Bend of Ivy Lodge, Asheville NC

Further to a recent creative question, here is a list of 57 things (in no particular order) that are to be liked about retreats mixed with reasons why one should go to a retreat once in a while. Peace and … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Lists, Nature, Retreats | Tagged accountability, being, clarity, coaching, creativity, fear, intention, lists, me time, nature, retreats, vision boards, women | 2 Comments

Stop Bush From Taking a Last Stab at Endangered Species


The National Environmental Policy Act is a safeguard that forces agencies to look before they leap, considering the environmental implications of federal projects. It guarantees that relevant information will be made available to the public that may play a role … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Nature | 2 Comments

Life is short… running makes it seem longer / Baron Hansen


This morning I went running. There was a continuous but very light rain, the kind of drizzle you can hardly see, only feel. It made the world look hazy and gray, but in a pretty way. I concentrated on my … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Nature, Sports | Leave a comment

Why you should walk barefoot more often


Feet should be free and unfettered for at least 10 hours a day – Tourles When was the last time you walked barefoot? Probably this morning from your bedroom to the bathroom. When was the last time you walked barefoot … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Health, Nature, Sports | 3 Comments

How far does your food travel before it reaches your mouth?


I don’t mean the path from your plate over your fork to your mouth. I mean the road from where it was planted, grown and harvested to where you cook it in your home. Do you know where the food … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Ecology, Nature | 3 Comments

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn – Elizabeth Lawrence


It is October but it feels like spring. It’s about 20 deg. C outside, the birds are singing, the bugs are buzzing, the sun pushes the morning fog away and renders everything hazy. The yellow and brown leaves tell me … Continue reading

Posted in Nature | 3 Comments