From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside – Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama

The enemy inside


things I don’t want to see

things I dont’ want to show


a mirror showing the real me

a mirror not making me glow


the enemy speaks to me

the enemy hinders me to grow


a battle between the enemy and me

a battle I’m not always willing to owe


the worst and the best of me

the worst I would like to stow


the real me should be set free

the real me should be able to flow


it seems logical to always be me

it seems not always easy though
(c) Mindful Mimi -May 2008
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2 Responses to From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside – Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama

  1. ssgreylord says:

    Beautifully said. What a perfect reminder that we are indeed our worst enemy. Nice site!

  2. Shannon H. says:

    Very beautifully stated! Thank you for posting this.


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