Nothing’s beautiful from every point of view – Horace

She says: the rain is beautiful

He thinks: I hate getting wet

She says: let’s go for hot chocolate

He thinks: I just want to go home

She says: we should go hiking tomorrow

He thinks: I loathe crawling through the woods

She says: I love you

He thinks: she is beautiful


He says: yes it has its charm

She thinks: he is romantic

He says: that will warm us up

She thinks: he does everything I want

He says: anything you’d like my dear

She thinks: I’m so lucky we like the same things

He says: I love you too

She thinks: he is ugly

(c) Mindful Mimi – July 2008

Thanks to Weekend Wordsmith for triggering this post about Point of View.
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One Response to Nothing’s beautiful from every point of view – Horace

  1. H.E.Eigler says:

    That was incredible, I’m so glad I popped in via Entrecard today. What a lovely exercise in the dynamic between men and women in relationships. Great work!


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