Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll


The one who grieves
the fallen leaves
weary eyed, closing eaves
they are taken by thieves

The one who believes
the fallen leaves
are a past he never retrieves
interfering with the life he weaves

The one who perceives
the fallen leaves
as parts of him plucked off his sleeves
an unfolding he peeves

The one who achieves
to see fallen leaves
as past gifts one receives
for the growth that relieves

(c) Mindful Mimi – September 2008

Thanks to for prompting this poem.

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11 Responses to Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll

  1. susan says:

    Nice use of rhyme. Thanks for the read.

  2. Deborah Godin says:

    Yes, very nice rhyme, and rhythm in the progession.

  3. tumblewords says:

    Lovely flow!

  4. SandyCarlson says:

    The movement of the poem echoes the movement of the season. I love these lines:

    The one who believes
    the fallen leaves
    are a past he never retrieves
    interfering with the life he weaves


  5. Pam says:

    I find most poems that use rhyme very contrived– not so with this poem. The flow was so nice and the rhythm spot-on.

  6. Julie says:

    I admire this – I am no good at all at rhyming couplets. I find it restricts my choice of words and therefore what I say. I suspect that maybe I do not have sufficient words to do the genre justice.

    This is a verse that is enjoyable to read … thank you.

  7. anthonynorth says:

    Very nicely done.

  8. MindFul MiMi says:

    Thank you all for your comments and visiting. Poetry is not my forte, but I like it. It clears my mind. And Julie, whenever I need a word, I go to Rhymezone dot com for inspiration… Sometimes it gets my creative juices flowing.

  9. fourwindshaiga says:

    You poem is fun to read out load. And your header makes me smile.

  10. qualcosa di bello says:

    a very lovely flow of words…much like the gentle fall of leaves…

  11. teric says:

    Your flow and rhymning words were fun to read and enjoy.


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