Don’t miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow looking for that pot of gold.


Trees of gold
autumn still hold
winter about to unfold
Leaves of gold
still taking hold
shining brightly bold
Sunlight of gold
chasing the mold
warmth to uphold
Rays of gold
expel the cold
autumn to be cajoled

(c) Mindful Mimi – October 2008
Thanks to for prompting this poem.
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4 Responses to Don’t miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow looking for that pot of gold.

  1. Lance says:

    What a wonderful poem – thanks for sharing it here! Autumn is such a beautiful season – all the colors, the changes, a time of new beginnings…

  2. anthonynorth says:

    A lovely poem. I enjoyed that. Perfect for OSI.

  3. fourwindshaiga says:

    Great advice, and a lovely poem.

  4. Beth P. says:

    nicely done!


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