A room with a view
that has no window
A heart filled with love
that no one seems to want
A worthy cause
that no one is fighting for
A splendid rainbow
that no one is seeing
A moment of happiness
that no one is witnessing
The success of a lifetime
that no one shares with you
The greatest idea
that no one is supporting
A room with a view
if you only break the walls down
to see through
(c) Mindful Mimi – August 2010
Thanks to Sunday Scribblings for triggering this post with their VIEW prompt.
Your poem and title reminded me of a song written and sung by a Danish singer I like, Tina Dickow (if you're interested there's a video of her singing it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov4_L2G0qWE). Anyway, very nice, your entry. Thanks.
I love this though sad – thought provoking. Opportunities missed all the time. Makes you want to get a big saw and make a window
So many rooms without windows. When will we ever learn. Curiously my mind went back many years when little cottages in the countryside were like this. Windows were for light now views! Ceaseless work prevented you from enjoying that luxury. Great poem.
@ Ruth: Thank you for pointing me to that song and video. It is indeed very nice and goes into the same direction.
@Dee Martin: I seem to have the sad touch when I write. But trust me, I am a happy, cheerful person. And my rooms all have big large windows!
: Thank you for the compliment. Glad you liked it. Whether it's the rooms in our house or our heart, we need to make sure they have windows. Windows are more important than doors.