Category Archives: Clutter

10 tips to make home decoration fun and creative


As you may know, I have just moved and thus have spent the last weeks improving and decorating the new house. Although I had some idea of how I wanted this to look, decorating a new, empty place can be … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Creativity, Tips | Tagged decoration, house, moving | Leave a comment

10 lessons out of the moving box

moving box

When you move, your life is suspended, upside down, stressful, both exciting and sad. You know me a little by now and I always try to learn from whatever happens to me and see the creative side of it.So here … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Creativity, Fear | Tagged moving, out of the box | Leave a comment

Less is more – or how clutter deprives you from being happy


During our retreats, after the women have set their intentions, they are looking at the road ahead: how do I get there? And that road is filled with obstacles. Otherwise they’d already be there, right? Often enough they don’t know … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Retreats | Tagged clutter, happiness, retreat | Leave a comment

Create your life retreat

The 7 Hills Lodge

I have just returned from the first ever ‘Create Your Life’ Women’s retreat which took place from 16-18 March in the cozy 7 Hills Lodge in the beautiful Belgian Ardennes. I feel so privileged and grateful to have been able … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Creativity, Retreats | Tagged elimination, intention, retreat, visionboard | Leave a comment

Why you need a DONE list


If you’re anything like me, you have a TO DO list. Or two…or three… To Do Lists are great for us busy women and creative people. Because we tend to (HAVE to) be all over the place. And we would … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Corporate, Creativity, Lists | Tagged done, to do list | Leave a comment

Creative recycling

recycling center

Every so often, it’s declutter time in our household (read more about the clutterbug here and how to get rid of it here and here). It happens on an irregular basis: – because we are running out of storage room – because we … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Creativity, Kids, Lists, Tips | Tagged creativity, play, recycling | Leave a comment

Additional tips against clutter


In my last post, I wrote about different kinds of clutter and how to get rid of them. Today it’s time for a little reminder… How is that list coming along? Did you do 2 things from one list? If … Continue reading

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Get rid of clutter and success will follow


What do the following items have in common? A loose button on your shirt that you have meant to mend for weeks. Your grandma’s old china that you never use but keep anyway. An old grudge against an old friend. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter, Tips | 4 Comments

“Clutter causes stress, and clutter is one of the main barriers of productivity.” — Charisse Ward


One of the first lessons in Christine Kane‘s Uplevel Your Life program is about decluttering. Clutter can come in all forms and shapes and situations. It can be the button of your white blouse that you haven’t had the time … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Clutter | 2 Comments