Category Archives: Psychology

Is your need for validation holding you back?

Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul. — Henry van Dyke The other day I was working on a new plan for next year. I love doing that. Planning, thinking, being creative. I got all excited. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Coaching, Fear, Lists, Psychology, Videos | Tagged affirmation, approval, being good, craving, default settings, habit, recognition, self-doubt, support, validating response, validation | Leave a comment

How delaying rewards makes you more successful

“The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable pre-requisite for success” – Brian Tracy If you put a marshmallow in front of your … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Corporate, Education, Kids, Psychology | Tagged delay, discipline, gratification, marshmellow, rewards, success | Leave a comment

Are you changing for the right reasons?


The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude – Oprah Winfrey Change is the buzzword everywhere at the moment. A Greek philosopher is known to have said that ‘Change … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Corporate, Psychology, Social Change | Tagged change | 2 Comments

How to be kind on world kindness day


This Saturday it’s World Kindness Day WHAT IS KINDNESS? Philospher and psychologist Piero Ferrucci says kindness is composed of 7 ingredients: EmpathyUnderstand a friend, see his point of view instead of answering with anger or impatience. ModestyBe humble with your … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Psychology | 2 Comments

Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear – Cheri Huber


Let’s say you are a starter. You have this great project of bringing creativity to your workplace. You decide to tackle the beast with baby steps and start with an informal creative workshop among close colleagues. You have decided about … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Psychology | 4 Comments

The touch of a hand…


In Sleepless in Seattle, Meg Ryan dreams of meeting the man who will bring her a feeling of peace and security by the simple touch of his hand. Each human seems to secretly aspire to such a feeling. Is it … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Psychology | 2 Comments

Tis nothing good or bad/ But thinking makes it so – William Shakespeare

I invite you to discover below TED talk from Daniel Gilbert, psychologist and happiness expert, author of  Stumbling on Happiness. He is able to prove that having too many choices – something we consider being positive – can work in … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Mindful People, Psychology | Leave a comment

Your talent lies in your choice – Stella Adler


(picture CHOICES by Melanie Weidner) Asking questions are the most important first steps to positive changes in the development of your talent, your career.  The act of asking questions sets our course to investigate, explore, wonder, and do. Questioning stimulates … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Psychology | 4 Comments

Attitudes are contagious – is yours worth catching?


The Impact of Social Presence on Moment-to-Moment Evaluations – or why we prefer to watch television with other people. Why do we prefer to watch football or Dr House with our friends and family? Because of a phenomenon called ‘emotional … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Psychology | Leave a comment

Anything you resist, persists – and gets stronger.


Apparently ‘working on yourself doesn’t work’. At least according to Ariel and Shya Kane who wrote a book with the same title. I am currently reading books about creativity, personal and spiritual growth, getting things done and how to start. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Books, Psychology | 1 Comment