Category Archives: Uncategorized

Danielle Laporte’s Desire Map

I love the no nonsense way Danielle has in communicating and creating her products. Enjoy.

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Are you lost in living?

Posted in Art, Better life, Creativity, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 30

Posted in Creativity, Quotes and Poems, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

How a budget is like sex


I go running during lunchtime 3 times a week. Most often with some female colleagues. Sometimes we talk about life, the Universe and everything, sometimes we shut up and suffer uphill, and sometimes we solve problems in a creative way. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Business, Creativity, Techniques, Tips, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Quote Notes – Day 27

Posted in Creativity, Quotes and Poems, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

What’s creative thinking got to do with business?

Creative thinking leads to success

Have you been going over the same problem again and again with no solution? Or is your goal to create a more innovative organization? Well then it’s time to form a new habit. The habit of creative thinking. Everyone is … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corporate, Creativity, Tips, Uncategorized, Videos | Tagged business success, creative thinkers, creatvity | Leave a comment

Today, live from Tedx Luxembourgcity!!!

Today, I have the honor of being scared shitless. Why? Because I am speaking at the Tedx LuxembourgCity conference which takes place today from 2-7 pm. So, join me there for the live webcast and wish me luck!

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Fear, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Why gossiping is bad for you

Gossip girls

We have all done it. At work. With friends and family. Even with strangers. Gossip. It’s probably the number one topic after the weather. It generally makes for easy conversation. Why do we gossip? Feeling of superiority When you feel … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Creative questions – 2

57 things

Below picture was taken while on a retreat in Asheville, North Carolina. A retreat is a wonderful experience because it allows you to take a break from your busy day to day life. Through activities and exercises thoughts are triggered. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Uncategorized | Tagged creative questions, creativity | Leave a comment

Don’t imitate. Create!

be different

I recently read The educational value of creative disobedience on Scientific American’s blog. Reading this article made me really glad because it is exactly what I try to do and teach my kids. Imitation versus creation: In school we are taught, … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Education, Kids, Uncategorized | 1 Comment