Category Archives: Videos

The world needs you to stop being boring!

Posted in Better life, Blog, Videos | Tagged better life, boring, kid president | Leave a comment

Is your need for validation holding you back?

Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul. — Henry van Dyke The other day I was working on a new plan for next year. I love doing that. Planning, thinking, being creative. I got all excited. … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Coaching, Fear, Lists, Psychology, Videos | Tagged affirmation, approval, being good, craving, default settings, habit, recognition, self-doubt, support, validating response, validation | Leave a comment

What a hike through the woods can teach us about life


The other day I went for a hike through the woods behind my house. I am lucky to live in a spectacular place that has a great variety of landscapes. Especially the rock and cliff formations are stunning. Below are … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Lists, Nature, Videos | Tagged creativity, hike, nature | Leave a comment

What’s creative thinking got to do with business?

Creative thinking leads to success

Have you been going over the same problem again and again with no solution? Or is your goal to create a more innovative organization? Well then it’s time to form a new habit. The habit of creative thinking. Everyone is … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corporate, Creativity, Tips, Uncategorized, Videos | Tagged business success, creative thinkers, creatvity | Leave a comment

9 tips from from Bruce Springsteen on leadership and creativity


I recently went to see Bruce Springsteen in Cologne. It was such a great experience that I want to share a few thoughts with you on how The Boss can teach us something about leadership and creativity. Daylight: Starting a … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corporate, Creativity, Marketing, Music, Videos | Tagged creativity, endurance, fitness, fun, leadership, personal, spotlight, springsteen, team | Leave a comment

Fail to succeed – my Tedx speech

Posted in Better life, Fear, Videos | Tagged failure, fear, speech, TED, Tedx, TedxLuxembourgCity | 2 Comments

Creativity is only possible when we’re open

This excellent speech by John Cleese clearly explains when creativity is possible. It’s not only instructive but also very funny – Cleese style. It is well worth your time. John Cleese – a lecture on Creativity Cleese says that to … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Videos | Tagged creativity, John Cleese, video | Leave a comment

A little video

I am happy and proud to present to you my first Youtube video (filmed by my exceptionally talented Oops Manager – thanks dear!) where I tell you all about the upcoming Create Your Life Retreat. Have a look – and … Continue reading

Posted in Better life, Creativity, Retreats, Videos | Tagged creativity, intention, retreat, video | Leave a comment