To be on Facebook or not to be on Facebook… Part 2

After having written about my doubts with regard to being on Facebook for real, I just wanted to share with you a few articles and two video’s (video’s in French only…)
  • Facebook, the CIA and you
  • The Freddi Staur case
  • How to safely use Facebook and LinkedIn at work
  • Envoyé Spécial part 1 (video in French)
  • Envoyé Spécial part 2 (video in French)

I think I will refrain from being on Facebook for a while :-)

To me it is not the same as blogging and maybe I am fooling myself. So be it.
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One Response to To be on Facebook or not to be on Facebook… Part 2

  1. Pink Ink says:

    I haven’t tried Facebook and probably never will. Of course I also said my family would never own horses.

    But still.

    I think blogging is enough of a time-distraction in itself. It’s fun, but it can be all-consuming.

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