Information: a source of learning or a burden?

Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit.

– William Pollard

There is a huge amount of information thrown at us on a daily basis.

There are studies that show that it is stressful to have to assimilate too much information. Ads on television and in magazines, information on the internet, even the content description on a tube of toothpaste has exacerbated our body’s evolutionary ability to handle it.

Watch this interesting illustration of the problem:

I invite you to visit this site on The Information Explosion which illustrates the evolution of the information explosion, tells us about the effects and how we break information into manageable chunks and shows the different roles of Media and Technology for example.

You may also want to read this very interesting article on Information Overload, its effects and how to fight it.

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3 Responses to Information: a source of learning or a burden?

  1. Jay says:

    There were so many interesting items in that video, I am not sure what to pick to comment on. US being 19th in internet was shocking. I need to open up Inner Noodle-Bermuda Style apparently. :-) The single issue of NYT having more info that most people had in a lifetime in the 18th century was a shocker too. Oh it was so interesting. I am twitting this now. By me sending this out am I ironically adding to it? :-)

  2. Tina says:

    Hey Mimi,
    Wow…that video was information overload enough. The most striking thing for me was how boring the 18th century must have been.
    Ciao for now my friend!!!

  3. MindFul MiMi says:

    Jay: The video is indeed full of things one has something to say about. I do feel sometimes overwhelmed by the information to process (news, work, private, etc). We live in a completely different world from our parents. And yes, you have just overloaded me and the world with your message :-)

    Tina: I am not sure the 18th century was boring. It was the time of writing page long letters by hand instead of hastily typing an email or text message. Communication was more thought through. And people seemed to have more time, to read, to ponder, to write. I like that idea. I wouldn’t want to live in that century but could imagine enjoying a week’s holiday there :-)


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